This year try to make just one goal oriented resolution. Change your life style for a healthy living, healthy aging, and try your hardest to keep it. I promise if you are serious about it, you will see result. I know because like many I also had weight, blood pressure, cholesterol issues. I tried all the diets and lost weight but gained back.
Here is my story, which I told before and I will tell now again. If I can motivate just one person to follow what I do and stick to it, I will consider it a success.
10 years ago, I lost my best friend to a massive stroke. She was my age, overweight, high blood pressure, cholesterol, up, and down in weight loss.
I was in the same boat. I realized with some changes in her life style this could of been prevented. I was scared and that made me make a wow to myself to change my life style and stick to it no matter what.
I took a membership in a gym with a big swimming pool and worked out a schedule. Started with 2 days a week, 30 min., work out in the gym and 30 min. swim. After two months feeling comfortable with this routine, I increased the work out to 45 min and the swim to one hour. Distance ½ mile.
Shortly after I had my regular check up and I was pleased to learn that all numbers are declining a fair amount and no new medication or increase was necessary.
My Dr Approval and a pat on my shoulders was like the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval and a big bust to me.
The swim turned into 1.5 mile which takes me 2.5-3 hours to complete.
I go every day like to a job. It is my job. I do it routinely without thinking about it and arrange appointments errands around it if possible. I feel great.
Here are the benefits I get from it. I am 85 almost 86
Lots of energy, no aches no pain. Sleep 6-7 hours through the night uninterrupted
Live on my own, no need for help. Enjoy my family, my grandchildren’s, and my great grand daughter
I want to live long enough independently of course, to see all my grandchildren’s married and know they children’s. Probably another 5-10 years.
I am working on it hard and very consciously and I am convinced if I keep on course it is possible not just for me but for all of you if you take your health seriously, very seriously. It is NEVER TOO LATE TO CHANGE
You have any questions make a comment and ask me. I will be happy to respond
Happy Holiday Season to Everybody

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