I walked out of that office on air. I work so hard to keep myself healthy and it works big way.
I changed my routine, I swim with fins on my ankles for resistance I mile three times a week. I work out in the gym treadmill stepper and different weight lifting machines twice a week. I do this regularly all year round, this is what keeps me mobile and fit, and it slows down the aging process.
You can do it to if you are serious about your health. It is a matter of will power,
Consistency, priority. Do it alone in a group with a partner. No need to spend a lot of money at all.
If you have, any questions ask me. I would love to hear from you.
I started to be serious about my health at age 75 and I wish somebody would open my eyes at 45. However, it is never too late. It is hard. You have to cange your eating habits and life style and older we get harder it is, but not impossible.
Once you start and becomes a routine, it is much easier. As soon as you start seeing, results that will keep you motivated.


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