Thursday, November 17, 2011

Life is Beautiful

It was a lovely spring day the day before Mothers Day and I was going next day to get the flowers to transform my balcony to “Garden of Edith” as I do every year.

I felt exceptionally good, because two days before on my last Dr appointment all test results where normal and my Dr was very pleased and encouraged me to keep doing what I do.

I was sweeping and hamming when suddenly  a very dull pain in the middle of my hart, and I immediately knew that I was having a heart attack. I sat down bewildered waiting for it to go away. Instead, the pain moved on to my left arm and shoulder. I realized this is not going away, and I had better gotten myself to the emergency. I was alone in the house but did not loose consciences.

I was given an EKG and a blood test, repeated in six hours to determine if this was really a heart attack. It was. By evening fluid started to be build-up in my lungs, I had difficulty breathing. An oxygen mask, diuretic administered orally and intravenously restored my breathing in 45 minutes.  It was a frightening experience.

Angioplasty showed 35% of deposits, so no procedure was necessary and after five days I was home.

I joined a four-month  cardio rehabilitation program, very closely monitored the first month. It helped me overcome the fear and denial. It encouraged and supervised the exercise program and after the first month I joint a strength and balance class three times a week.

Today, I am fully recovered back to my routine, and the goal is to restore the level of exercise I used to do before. I am working on it.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Right Prioryties may Slow the Aging Process

Watching television I noticed that the frequency of programs dealing with healthy eating and exercise are increasing.
Michelle Obama the First lady is also advocating healthier menus in restaurants. What a wonderful idea, just imagine that all the fast food restaurants, food court eating places and regular restaurants would switch to serve only well balanced and nutrition food. Most people I believe would like to eat healthy but may not have the time or the willingness to do it him or herself. Now if they can buy it, order it take out, that would make a hell of a difference. Let’s stretch the imagination further. What would be the ramification if nobody can find or buy unhealthy food?
I think it would reduce the problems of obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol hart problems and many other problems connected with unhealthy lifestyle.

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Sunday, January 9, 2011


This is the time of year when I go to escape the brutal winter in Winnipeg and fly to Arizona to my winter escape, which I bought 22 years ago on an impulse.
A small gated retirement community, beautifully landscaped, well run and very friendly. For 22 years I was able to escape the harsh winters of Winnipeg, where the temperature could drops to -40C to -50C with the wind shear. Not to mention the difficulty walking on slippery sidewalks or to drive on slippery roads.
Unfortunately this is coming to an end. As a Canadian when I live the country I have to have an out of country health insurance. Being 80+ the price for it hits the roof. It doesn`t seem to count if you are stable, on a very few medication which hasn`t changed for years and being claim free for the past 22 years. In the out of country health insurance land all this doesn`t make a dent. If you are 80+ in my case 86 you better pay or stay home. I understand that if anything happens it is very expensive but I feel that a person who takes care of oneself, on a very little medication and no claim ever should have a fair discount. It sure feels like a punishment. I could live comfortable for the 90 days I go every year, for the price of the insurance.
So I take one year at the time and hope to stay stable independent and to put the money together for my escape.
I hope you all had a good holiday season and didn`t broke your resolutions yet.
Proper and regular exercise and the change of eating habits to healthy food is the secret to slow the aging process. It works for me and if you keep it up it will work for you as well.
Remember; only you can do it.
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