With the holiday around the corner, feasting season is fast approaching, whether you like it or not and with this comes the difficult time to keep up with your hard worked effort to stay straight in line.
There are some tips which works for me and may work for you as well, providing you are serious about it.
Keep your exercise routine, watch your food intake, especially when attending a social function, or eating out with friends.
Holiday weight comes on quickly and it is difficult to lose it. Take one day at the time. Make adjustment in calorie intake in the days when you attend several parties dinners or brunch. Focus on fruit, veggies, lean protein and high fibber grain. Be selective at a buffet event. Take small portion of what you like and if possible stay away from creamy sugary salty things.
If you have to indulge, give up something in exchange. Lunch or dinner or afternoon snack and be willing to put some extra time at the gym.
It is not as hard as it seem. Enjoy your friends and family, keep moving. Avoid feeling tired and sluggish, have a positive attitude and enjoy life. It is shorter then you think.

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